
A one-month-old baby has been observed to occasionally cough, not just during feeding. The baby’s diet and bowel movements are normal. Is this situation normal, or is further examination of the baby’s lungs necessary?


Coughing is actually a protective reflex action of the human body, which helps to expel pathogens and phlegm from the respiratory tract, maintaining the airway’s openness. However, if parents rush to use various cough medicines without understanding the cause of the baby’s cough, although this may temporarily alleviate cough symptoms, it may lead to a large accumulation of phlegm and pathogens in the respiratory tract, increasing the risk of secondary bacterial infections. In severe cases, it may cause chest tightness, difficulty breathing, and even lead to serious consequences such as atelectasis and heart failure. Therefore, cough medicines should not be given arbitrarily before determining the cause of the baby’s cough.