A five-year-old girl recently developed symptoms of coughing and a runny nose, which were initially mistaken for a cold and treated with cold medication. However, she later developed multiple blisters in her mouth and similar symptoms on her hands. Is this Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease? Can Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease heal on its own without medication?
Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease is an infection caused by enteroviruses, commonly characterized by red spots on the hands, feet, mouth, and buttocks, and may also cause fever. It is recommended to first go to the hospital for routine blood tests and an X-ray chest film examination, and receive regular treatment based on the results of the examination. If the condition affects the heart, myocardial enzymes should be checked. If not treated promptly, this disease may lead to serious consequences, so it is essential to seek regular medical treatment at the hospital.