
There is a 9-year-old boy at home who is experiencing difficulty swallowing and low-grade fever, suspected of having a tonsillitis attack. What foods can be eaten to help alleviate symptoms and recover health?


Children are prone to tonsillitis, and once an attack occurs, it is important to seek medical examination and treatment promptly. In terms of diet, it is recommended to focus on vegetables and fruits, maintaining a light diet. Vegetables and fruits are rich in various nutrients that can boost the child’s immunity and aid in the repair of the tonsils. For example, the peel of tangerines is rich in vitamin C and has good anti-inflammatory effects. Additionally, it is advisable to choose easily digestible foods such as porridge and overcooked noodles. Also, pay attention to drinking plenty of plain water and reducing the intake of foods like beef, mutton, and dog meat, as well as seafood which should be eaten in moderation or not at all. In daily life, it is important to help children develop good habits, including not only healthy eating but also early to bed and early to rise, as well as moderate exercise.