
The child’s fontanelle has not closed by the age of one and a half, and they have been supplementing with calcium and vitamins. They have 16 teeth, have slightly delayed language development, but are developing normally in other aspects. No treatment has been received. What could be the possible causes? If medical attention is needed, which department should be visited?


Generally, an infant’s fontanelle should close around the age of one and a half. If your child has exceeded this stage and the fontanelle has not closed, it is advisable to go to the hospital for a check-up to determine the cause of this condition. For initial consultation, you can start with a pediatrician for a preliminary evaluation. Additionally, rapid growth in children may lead to calcium deficiency, which can affect the closure time of the fontanelle. Therefore, it is recommended that you take your child to the hospital for an appropriate medical consultation. Wishing your child a healthy growth.