
A 9-month-old infant has recently been experiencing frequent diarrhea symptoms, with stools resembling water. After hospital treatment, the condition briefly improved, but the symptoms recurred. Although the baby’s mental state is good, the parents are seeking further guidance.


Infant diarrhea is a common health issue, especially in the early childhood years when the digestive system is not yet fully mature and can be affected by various factors. Possible causes include improper feeding methods, irregular introduction of complementary foods, hygiene issues with daily items like bottles, and changes in weather. It is recommended that parents develop regular eating habits when caring for their child, introduce complementary foods in a reasonable manner, and pay attention to the disinfection and warmth of daily items. During the recovery period from diarrhea, ensure that the baby receives adequate fluids to prevent dehydration, but avoid giving fluids arbitrarily during the acute phase to prevent exacerbating the diarrhea. When the weather is suitable, it is appropriate to take the baby outside for some activity.