
A nine-and-a-half-month-old baby is experiencing symptoms of cough, runny nose, and diarrhea. The coughing is severe during both day and night sleep, and occasionally, when the coughing is severe, vomiting may occur. The illness has persisted for four to five days. During this time, the baby has taken pediatric cough syrup granules and ceftriaxone granules, but the symptoms have not improved. We kindly request expert advice on further treatment.


Hello, we suggest trying oral antiviral medications and cold syrups. Even though it may be a viral cold, secondary bacterial infections can occur, so it’s best to also include oral antibiotics. If the oral medications are not effective, we recommend intravenous anti-inflammatory treatment, as intravenous administration provides a higher blood drug concentration and is faster-acting. If there is phlegm, fresh bamboo decoction can be added. If fever is present, appropriate antipyretic medications should also be added. Generally, the healing time for such conditions is about seven to ten days. If the condition does not improve, we suggest seeking medical attention promptly.