
Age-related Problem Description: Starting in August last year, the child experienced diarrhea, mainly after dinner, with mucous stools and a pale color. Treatment at the hospital was ineffective, and it was later diagnosed as a parasitic disease. After treatment, the condition improved. In May this year (when the weather was warmer), similar symptoms appeared again after dinner. Is it possible that it’s a recurrence of parasitic disease?


Based on your description, it is possible that there is a recurrence of parasitic infection, so it is recommended to still go to the hospital for treatment. Additionally, pay attention to the child’s prevention of this aspect in daily life. Diet-wise, eat more foods rich in high-quality protein such as eggs, milk, and soy products. Also, pay attention to checking and supplementing vitamins regularly. To determine the cause of the disease, further examination at the hospital is necessary. A single description is not enough. It is not ruled out that incomplete treatment or unchanged bad living habits may lead to such problems. Since there is a history of infection and similar situations have appeared again, it is recommended to first go for a check-up.