
Children often have bedwetting at night, especially in rainy weather when it may increase to three times, with clear and abundant urine, and they sleep deeply without waking up to urinate. Stools are slightly dry. Bedwetting also often occurs during naptime. Are there any suitable home remedies for treatment?


For the issue of children’s bedwetting, it is advisable to avoid using unproven home remedies. There are currently no scientifically recognized home remedies for treatment. If bedwetting is due to insufficient nocturnal antidiuretic hormone secretion, pressure-regulating drugs can be used under a doctor’s guidance. If bladder function is not ideal, encourage children to drink more water to increase bladder capacity and perform appropriate urination training. Additionally, train children to perform intermittent urination to feel the contraction of the bladder sphincter. In daily life, strengthen children’s personal hygiene, maintain regional cleanliness, change underwear and pants daily, and replace them immediately if they get wet. Parents should avoid letting children wear wet pants to prevent discomfort.