
A six-year-old child has shown signs of intellectual disability since birth, can walk, and can say one or two words, but cannot manage daily life on their own and has never received any professional treatment. Are there any recovery treatments that can make self-care possible?


This condition, also known as Trisomy 21, is a genetic disorder. Once diagnosed, treatment is extremely difficult because it involves a chromosomal mutation, which is a genetic variation, making it highly challenging to treat. The main manifestations include unique facial features at birth, often accompanied by drowsiness and feeding difficulties. As the child grows older, the symptoms of intellectual disability become increasingly apparent, as well as delays in motor development and sexual maturation. Currently, there is no effective treatment for this condition, and long-term education and training for the child are essential. Preventing infectious diseases and various infections, and early use of oral vitamin B6, r-taurine, folic acid, etc., can help improve