What is the cost of treatment for early-stage Down Syndrome? When should a pregnant woman undergo Down Syndrome screening to check the health of the fetus?
The cost of treatment for early-stage Down Syndrome is approximately 100 USD. Before undergoing a Down Syndrome screening, a B-ultrasound examination is required to determine the fetus’s biparietal diameter. If the biparietal diameter is between 28 and 48, a Down Syndrome screening can be conducted. Down Syndrome screening checks for fetal abnormalities, such as congenital Stupid , and is recommended. Generally, older pregnant women (35 years or older or carrying twins) are not recommended to undergo Down Syndrome screening due to the certain false-positive rate of the test, which usually requires amniocentesis to confirm high-risk diagnoses. Therefore, older pregnant women are usually advised to proceed directly with amniocentesis. It is recommended that pregnant women undergo Down Syndrome screening between 14 and 20 weeks of pregnancy.