
What are the symptoms of neonatal gastric perforation? How should it be handled?


Neonatal gastric perforation is a rare pediatric surgical acute abdominal syndrome that commonly occurs in premature infants within a few days after birth. This condition is typically caused by congenital developmental defects, such as weak or defective gastric walls, or can be triggered by perinatal factors such as infection and malnutrition. In the past, the mortality rate was extremely high, but with advancements in surgical and anesthetic techniques, as well as the rational use of antibiotics and supportive therapies, the mortality rate has significantly decreased. Treatment requires rapid preoperative preparation, including fasting, decompression with a gastric tube, correction of dehydration, control of shock, anti-infection measures, and abdominal puncture. The surgery should be performed under general anesthesia, aiming for simplicity and effectiveness, repairing the perforation and removing necrotic tissue.