
A 10-month-old male baby has been experiencing frequent vomiting since he was about 7 months old. He usually eats porridge with one egg yolk in the morning and drinks formula milk and baby noodles during the day. He has a bowel movement once a day. Recently, he has been vomiting frequently. What could be the cause of this? How should it be treated?


Vomiting is a symptom that can be caused by various diseases. About 80% of vomiting cases are related to gastrointestinal issues. However, if a baby continues to vomit, it is important to promptly replenish electrolytes and fluids, monitor for signs of dehydration, and seek medical attention to determine the specific cause. Vomiting refers to the forceful expulsion of stomach contents from the mouth, and repeated severe vomiting can lead to dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, accumulation of metabolic toxins, and malnutrition. Vomiting is a reflex action of the body; when the vomiting center in the ventricle of the brain is stimulated by the gastrointestinal tract, the vestibular system of the inner ear, vision, and the cerebral cortex…