
A girl, at the age of 8 years and 8 months, developed breast development with breast buds the size of an egg yolk. The first discovery was in August 2015, when the estrogen test results were normal, and no treatment was administered. The symptoms disappeared a month later. However, in August and September of 2016, the same symptoms recurred, and they have not been treated. Currently, the size of the breast buds is the same as before, with a height of 135 centimeters and a weight of 68 jin.


Based on the description, the girl may be suffering from early puberty. It is recommended to undergo hormone level tests. If diagnosed with early puberty, consider the possibility of growth hormone medication treatment. Generally, children’s growth and development is normal, but attention should be paid to nutrition intake, avoiding excessive snacks and fried foods. Developmental signs at around 8 years and 8 months usually fall within the normal range, but it is still necessary to continue observation and consult with a professional physician’s opinion.