
My child suddenly vomited at midnight, throwing up three times. The next day, they vomited once more. They haven’t had much appetite these days; they threw up after eating soy milk buns in the morning. We haven’t taken them to the hospital yet; we’ve given them children’s complex chicken gizzard, which has stopped the vomiting, but their appetite is still poor. They mentioned feeling discomfort in their stomach last night, and they threw up again this morning. What should we do?


Based on your description, the baby’s vomiting and diarrhea may be caused by indigestion due to abdominal cold or weakness of the spleen and stomach. It is recommended to give the baby some probiotics or montmorillonite powder for treatment. At the same time, pay attention to keeping warm, especially abdominal warmth. Diet-wise, stick to light and non-spicy foods.