
For a four-and-a-half-month-old baby, if diarrhea symptoms occur, especially if the stool is green with a jelly-like mucus, and has been persistent for one month and twenty days, despite treatment by multiple experts and various medications, there has been no improvement. The stool test shows a positive rotavirus result, and the baby has been taking Bifidobacterium Triple Live Yeast Capsules. How should one proceed with further treatment?


In cases of long-term diarrhea in infants, in addition to considering inflammatory factors, the possibility of spleen and stomach weakness should also be taken into account. If the baby is fed formula milk, it is not excluded that there may be intolerance to the formula; if breastfed, it is necessary to consider whether the mother’s diet is appropriate. Additionally, abdominal coldness in the baby may also lead to diarrhea. The following suggestions are recommended: if the baby’s abdomen feels cool to the touch, try using a navel patch. You can use drugs such as Gastric and Digestive Tablets, Awakening Spleen and Nourishing Children Granules, and Baby Essence to regulate the function of the spleen and stomach. If the baby consumes