
Based on the symptoms of sleep disorders: (1) Restless sleep and difficulty falling asleep: Commonly seen in infants, often flipping over during sleep, with limbs twitching, repeatedly shaking their heads, crying for no reason, grinding teeth, talking, and so on. Some people do not want to sleep and have to walk around or they cannot fall asleep or wake up early. During an attack, the brain’s wake-up rhythm is shown on an EEG. Epileptic seizures can last from 1 to 10 minutes each night, then fall asleep after the attack and be completely forgotten upon waking. Night terrors can disappear on their own and usually increase with age.


According to your description, you have recently been working overtime frequently, leading to your physical condition deteriorating, often experiencing insomnia and a decrease in appetite. You are worried about whether these sleep disorders can lead to speech disorders in children. For the treatment of speech disorders in children and sleep disorders, it is recommended that you consult a nutrition and health care expert for a detailed evaluation and diagnosis. Professional doctors can formulate appropriate treatment plans based on the child’s specific situation, which may include improving the sleep environment, adjusting the schedule, and reasonable nutritional supplementation measures. Please seek medical attention and obtain professional help in a timely manner.