
A child was overweight before the age of six months, experienced weight loss after falling ill at six months, and again at one year old. Since then, the growth curve has consistently been below the standard. The main issue parents face is the child’s resistance to food; the child eats very little when self-feeding, but can consume large amounts of food when fed by adults.


  1. Based on the provided situation, the child may be more inclined to establish emotional connections with parents through feeding. It is recommended to pay attention to the child’s psychological needs and seek appropriate ways to enhance parent-child interaction.
  2. At the same time, consider traditional Chinese medicine treatment to promote digestion. However, traditional Chinese medicine treatment should be individualized, and it is recommended to consult a local qualified traditional Chinese medicine practitioner for personalized treatment based on the child’s specific situation.
  3. In daily life, encourage the child to engage in moderate exercise, provide sufficient water, and offer suitable fruits to promote the development of healthy eating habits.