
My husband and I have always had normal speech, but our six-year-old son exhibits a stuttering phenomenon when speaking. What is stuttering? What causes it? What are the treatment methods?


Stuttering, also known as a language disorder, is a problem that affects the fluency of speech. The causes of stuttering may be related to genetic factors, meaning it could be hereditary. Additionally, abnormal development of the central nervous system may lead to impaired articulation and language comprehension in children. Psychological factors, such as feelings of inferiority and excessive nervousness, may also be one of the causes of stuttering. Treating stuttering usually requires a comprehensive approach, including language therapy, psychological counseling, and support from the family and society. Professional language therapists can provide personalized training programs to help improve speaking skills. At the same time, patience and encouragement from parents and those around the child are also very important for the child’s recovery. If there is a suspicion of a stuttering problem in a child, it is recommended to seek professional help early on.