
The child is a premature baby and was diagnosed with jaundice at birth. It’s a rare condition, and it’s said to be difficult to treat. I’m very worried and anxious. What are the folk remedies for treating newborn jaundice?


Take a fresh egg, using only the egg white and not a single yolk. With clean hands, apply the egg white to the child’s back, from top to bottom, from the neck to the buttocks, making circular massages as heavy as possible. After applying, do not wash with water; just sprinkle talcum powder directly. Do this twice a day, and it should take about half a month to improve. Grind 60g of melon seeds, 15g of forsythia, 15g of turmeric, rhubarb, and raw licorice into powder. Take 2 grams each time, three times a day, mixed with sugar water.