
A ten-month-old girl has been frequently experiencing diarrhea, vomiting, and dyspepsia. In terms of diet, she mainly consumes mild rice with seasonal vegetables and a small amount of meat, occasionally eating biscuits, and drinks 120 milliliters of milk at breakfast, lunch, and dinner each day.


For children who frequently have diarrhea, it is first important to rule out the possibility of intestinal infection. It is recommended to conduct a stool test to confirm the presence of white blood cells and red blood cells. If the test results show signs of infection, then anti-inflammatory and anti-infection treatment is necessary. If the stool test results are normal and the diarrhea is merely simple, it is usually treatable through oral medication and dietary adjustments. Suggestions: Firstly, conduct a stool test. Secondly, use anti-diarrheal medications and focus on adjusting intestinal probiotics. In terms of diet, avoid eating foods that can easily cause diarrhea such as eggs, milk, and meat, and cook food into a soft, porridge-like consistency. Consider changing the milk formula to one specifically designed for children with diarrhea.