
Speaks with a lisp, often coughs, has a lot of phlegm, good spirits, good appetite, good appetite, normal sleep, good bowel movements, slow weight gain, height increase starts between two to three years old, possibly imitating others.


Stuttering is a common language disorder in children, characterized by disfluent speech, blocks, and repetitions. Treatment methods include language correction training. On the basis of psychological therapy, it is essential to build confidence in children and make them feel comfortable breathing and using their speech organs to achieve success in language correction training. The following methods can be adopted: 1. Encourage the child to slow down their speaking speed; this can reduce stuttering and make it easier for others to understand. Once the child no longer stutters, gradually increase the speaking speed. 2. Instruct the child to lower their speaking volume because gentle speaking can prevent stuttering. 3. Guide the child to slowly and gently produce the first sound of each phrase before smoothly transitioning to the second sound, as children who stutter often find it difficult to pronounce the first word of a phrase.