
My child was diagnosed with cerebral palsy shortly after birth, and they are now 3 years old. The child can roll over, sit up, take two steps while holding something, and can stand on their own for one to two minutes. I would like to know which hospitals specialize in treating pediatric cerebral palsy?


For treating cerebral palsy, it is advisable to go to a regular top-tier hospital, as hospitals specializing in treating brain diseases have greater authority in this area. Most children show significant symptoms three months after birth, which include reduced movement on the affected side of the body, persistent clenching of the fists, failure of the grasp reflex to disappear, the forearm being in a flexed and pronated position, and walking in a circular manner. Some patients may initially present with low muscle tone, which later turns into a spastic state. This type often comes with intellectual disability and epilepsy. The treatment for cerebral palsy is a long-term process, and at this time, the child most needs the care and love of their family. Therefore, it is recommended that you simultaneously undergo medication treatment and pediatric physical therapy, which will also be beneficial for the child’s future intellectual development.