
When a child exhibits symptoms such as difficulty walking, delayed language development, slow responses, and drooling, and is diagnosed with cerebral palsy by a doctor, what are the possible causes of cerebral palsy in children?


The causes of cerebral palsy in children are typically categorized into three main aspects:

  1. Prenatal Factors:
  • Maternal Factors: Maternal mental retardation is one of the main risk factors for cerebral palsy, accounting for 2.7‰ of all cases. Additionally, maternal complications during childbirth are also significant factors. While smoking by the mother does not directly cause cerebral palsy in offspring, women who smoke have twice the risk of giving birth to low-weight infants compared to non-smokers. Maternal epilepsy, pre-pregnancy hyperthyroidism, or a history of two or more fetal deaths are all significantly associated with cerebral palsy. It is worth noting that maternal diabetes is not related to cerebral palsy, and prenatal abdominal or pelvic X-rays, coagulation…