
My child has always been expressionless and not as lively as other children, with slower movements. He was diagnosed with pediatric cerebral palsy at a young age and has been receiving treatment, but the results have not been very good. He seems very well-behaved, but it’s very concerning. How severe is pediatric cerebral palsy?


Children with cerebral palsy, as long as they do not have other complications, generally have no major differences in their lives compared to normal people, but their quality of life is relatively worse than that of normal people. Cerebral palsy is not life-threatening. Active treatment, consistent exercise, and rehabilitation training are beneficial for improving the child’s condition. A three-year-old child with cerebral palsy still has a high likelihood of recovery, but it is a long-term process. It requires long-term rehabilitation and rehabilitation training through various treatment methods such as medication, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, and paraffin therapy. Do not give up on rehabilitation training and treatment. In addition, intensify newborn care and prevent diseases such as neonatal hypoglycemia, acidosis, jaundice, and severe infections. It can effectively prevent the occurrence of pediatric cerebral palsy.