
A child has not learned to speak by the age of 3 and only began to walk with a walker training at the age of 5. The child experiences severe hand tremors, has difficulty using utensils, walks unsteadily, and is suspected of having congenital cerebral palsy. Which department should I consult?


Hello! It is recommended that you take your child to a neurology department for a consultation. Congenital cerebral palsy may be caused by brain damage due to certain reasons during pregnancy, delivery, or in the early infancy. It is suggested to go to the cerebral palsy rehabilitation department of a provincial-level third-grade hospital for further examination. Rehabilitation training can stimulate the brain, and the earlier the treatment, the better the effect. Cerebral palsy is caused by impairments or injuries in motor function, as well as damage or injury to the brain within one month of birth or after birth. Since the stage of brain disease has passed, there are diverse sequelae, and treatment methods vary accordingly.