
A five-year-old girl has been complaining of a sore throat, and her voice sounds a bit hoarse. She also seems to have a low-grade fever. In such a situation, how can you provide her with a reasonable diet to help restore her appetite?


For dietary recommendations for children with tonsillitis, it’s best to start with fresh vegetables and fruits. These foods, being light and non-irritating, are also rich in various nutrients that help boost immunity and fight off diseases. When choosing fruits, avoid those that are too cold and opt for neutral fruits like apples and kiwis. Additionally, provide easy-to-digest foods such as congee and noodles, and encourage her to drink plenty of water. At the same time, reduce or avoid eating stimulants like mutton and dog meat. Finally, it’s important to cultivate good eating habits in children, avoiding picky eating and ensuring they receive a balanced diet to reduce the incidence of tonsillitis.