
When a child shows symptoms of hand, foot, and mouth disease, including body rashes, concentrated red spots on the buttocks, blisters-like bumps around the wrist of the hands, slightly elevated body temperature above the normal value, decreased appetite, restless sleep, and a yellowish stool compared to usual, how should one handle the situation?


Hand, foot, and mouth disease is a viral enteric infectious disease that is typically treated with symptomatic antiviral therapy. The course of the disease usually lasts about 7 days. Recommended treatment plans include administering ribavirin and antiviral oral liquids. For hand and foot blisters, calamine lotion can be used. If there are symptoms in the mouth, ice powder or watermelon frost spray can be applied. If the fever exceeds 38.5 degrees Celsius, consider using antipyretic drugs like Tiantan. Below this temperature, it is recommended to use physical cooling methods. During this period, it is encouraged to drink plenty of water and consume fresh fruits and vegetables, avoid spicy and stimulating foods to promote recovery.