
A few days ago, a young child began showing symptoms of diarrhea and vomiting, accompanied by fever, lack of energy, and crying. After two and a half days of enema treatment at a local clinic, the vomiting symptoms have somewhat improved, but occasional nausea still persists, along with watery diarrhea. The white blood cell count is 2-4. A white substance resembling sponge cake was found in the latest stool. What could this possibly be?


Based on the described symptoms, it is highly likely that the child has enteritis. It is recommended to administer appropriate anti-inflammatory medication to the child. At the same time, attention should be paid to dietary adjustments, and consider adding montmorillonite powder to observe the effect. Additionally, it is suggested to conduct regular stool examinations for the child, and provide rehydration salts to prevent dehydration, as well as cefotaxime granules and probiotics for intestinal health.