
Can ADHD be cured? My child is particularly disobedient all day, and the teacher said they have ADHD. What should I do? Please ask the expert what is the best treatment, whether we need to go to the hospital for a check-up and treatment, or what else should be done. How should pediatric ADHD be treated?


Hello! If ADHD is not treated in time, it can have a significant impact on a child’s normal learning and even affect their future prospects. Generally, hospitals treat this kind of disease with Western medicine, but Western medicine can have a significant impact on a child’s brain, causing their reactions to slow down and even leading to intellectual regression. Therefore, I suggest finding a good traditional Chinese medicine practitioner for treatment. Through taking Chinese herbal decoctions for targeted treatment, recovery can be achieved in one to two courses. This treatment method is safe, does not affect a child’s intelligence, and has no side effects, and it can treat both the symptoms and the root cause. Additionally, parents and teachers should not discriminate against, blame, scold, or administer corporal punishment to the sick child. It is important to help the child build self-esteem and confidence.