
I have a five-year-old boy at home who initially complained of a sore throat and a slight cough, and now he has a persistent high fever. What dietary principles should be followed when a child has tonsillitis and is feverish?


When children exhibit symptoms of tonsillitis, it is important to seek medical assistance and receive appropriate treatment. In terms of diet, it is recommended to consume plenty of vegetables and fruits. Light and nutritious meals can help boost the immune system and fight off the illness. Suitable vegetables include greens, cabbage, and tomatoes (tomatoes), while fruits should be chosen for their high water content, such as pears and apples. Additionally, easily digestible foods are also suitable, such as porridge or soft noodles. It is also essential to ensure that the child drinks plenty of plain water and avoids consuming foods like beef, mutton, and dog meat, as well as reducing or avoiding seafood. Tonsillitis can lead to complications that affect a child’s health, so parents should actively assist their children in receiving proper treatment and adhering to appropriate dietary principles.