
What dietary items should children with ADHD avoid in their daily meals?


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a condition caused by a deficiency in neurotransmitters in the brain, leading to impaired transmission. Its causes may include prenatal viral infections, perinatal hypoxia, maternal pregnancy complications, newborn asphyxia, birth injuries, brain hypoxia, brain damage, cesarean section, preterm birth, post-term birth, and forceps delivery. Children with ADHD often have unstable emotions, are easily irritable, and have weak self-control. When excited, they may dance around and forget themselves, and when frustrated, they may become angry or cry. They often initiate arguments or fights with classmates and act impulsively without considering the consequences. In terms of diet, children with ADHD should avoid consuming excessive amounts of sugar and artificial additives, as these substances may exacerbate symptoms. Additionally, beverages and foods containing caffeine should be limited, as caffeine may affect the child’s nervous system, causing increased activity and difficulty focusing. It is recommended that parents provide a balanced diet for their children with ADHD.