
I am now four months pregnant and received a notification from the hospital to undergo a Down syndrome screening. The results show that my baby has Down syndrome. What should I do, can the baby still be kept, and if so, how much will the treatment cost?


Down syndrome is caused by an extra 21st chromosome, with normal individuals having two 21st chromosomes, while individuals with Down syndrome have three. Therefore, it is also known as “trisomy 21,” and intellectual disability is one of its main symptoms. Although screening techniques are limited and cannot detect all children with Down syndrome, it is important to perform relevant checks during the early pregnancy screening period from 10-13+6 weeks and the mid-pregnancy screening period from 15-20+6 weeks. To avoid missing the appropriate screening time window, it is recommended that you consult with your doctor at the hospital. As for the treatment costs, please contact your hospital to obtain detailed information. Different hospitals may have different fee standards, including costs for examinations, diagnoses, and treatments. You can inquire with the hospital to understand specific cost details.