
A young boy finds it hard to stay calm in any setting, is often overly active, and has dramatic mood swings, with a strong desire for immediate gratification. After being diagnosed by a hospital, it was confirmed that he has ADHD. For such children, how should their diet be adjusted to improve symptoms?


If a child is diagnosed with ADHD, it is crucial to seek immediate medical professional help for treatment. The main characteristics of ADHD include inattention, hyperactivity, impulsive behavior, and learning difficulties, but intelligence is usually normal. It is recommended that ADHD children increase their intake of foods rich in zinc, as studies show that students with excellent academic performance have higher zinc content in their hair. Therefore, encouraging the regular consumption of foods like eggs, liver, beans, and peanuts, which are rich in zinc, can help enhance intelligence. In addition, the dietary therapy for ADHD patients should avoid foods containing artificial colors, preservatives, and salicylates, and consider adding caffeine and stimulants to the treatment…