
A colleague has been a bit distracted at work lately, and I heard it’s because their child has been diagnosed with cerebral palsy. I’m really worried about them. We’ve always gotten along well. What should we be aware of when treating cerebral palsy? I’m looking for guidance on what to consider when treating cerebral palsy.


Treating pediatric cerebral palsy involves improving motor function through increasing joint mobility, adjusting muscle tone, enhancing motor control, coordination, strength, and endurance to enhance self-care abilities. Common techniques include postural therapy, soft tissue stretching, muscle tone adjustment techniques, functional active exercise reinforcement training, muscle strength and endurance training, balance and coordination control, and physical factor assist treatment (rehabilitation). During the treatment process, physicians and speech therapists assess and treat based on different types of language disorders, including training for the movement control of the jaw, lips, tongue muscles, and soft palate.