
What are the early symptoms that children with cerebral palsy may experience?


The early symptoms of children with cerebral palsy may include the following: One, Visual Impairment: Approximately 25% to 50% of children may have visual impairments, commonly including strabismus and refractive errors such as myopia, amblyopia, and astigmatism. Some children may experience nystagmus or complete blindness. Hemiplegic children may have contralateral hemianopsia. Visual defects may affect eye-hand coordination. Two, Language Disorders: About 1/3 to 2/3 of children may have varying degrees of language disorders. This manifests as delayed language development, difficulty in pronunciation, unclear articulation, inability to form complete sentences, and failure to express their own thoughts properly. Some children may even become completely aphasic. Hand-mouth dyskinesia and ataxia types often accompany these disorders.