
A child has been diagnosed with ADHD, and the doctor recommends sensory integration training and biofeedback therapy. Parents are concerned about the effectiveness of these treatment methods and whether there will be any rebound phenomena after treatment. Parents are anxious about how to effectively treat their child’s ADHD.


Firstly, we understand the concern you have for your child’s ADHD issue. ADHD is not uncommon in children, as their brains are not fully developed yet, and their self-control abilities are relatively weak. Many children may exhibit varying degrees of hyperactive behavior, which is somewhat normal to a certain extent. It is only when a child’s attention problems seriously affect their learning that special attention is needed. Sensory integration training and biofeedback therapy are common methods for treating ADHD. Sensory integration training aims to improve a child’s sensory integration ability through specific activities, while biofeedback therapy…