
My daughter has recently become more restless and has been struggling to pay attention in class, which has also resulted in a decline in her academic performance. The doctor said she has ADHD. What are the causes of ADHD?


ADHD is a common childhood mental disorder characterized by inattention, hyperactivity, impulsivity, and poor self-control, symptoms that are out of sync with their actual age and can impact learning. Children with ADHD typically have normal intelligence but require special education and support to cope with their challenges. Understanding the causes of ADHD is vital for parents and teachers to effectively manage and assist children in their development. When dealing with children with ADHD, it is important not to view them as sick or engage in fights with them, as this may increase their trauma. Treatment for ADHD often involves medication, but medication cannot replace education; it can provide a supportive educational environment, but it is essential to correctly understand the effects and side effects of the medication.