
A five-year-old girl has been diagnosed with hand, foot, and mouth disease but has not shown any fever symptoms. The parents want to know if this situation is serious and how they should deal with it.


Hand, foot, and mouth disease is an infectious disease caused by enteroviruses, commonly seen in children under five years old and can lead to blisters on the hands, feet, and mouth. Without complications, the prognosis is usually good, with most patients recovering within a week. The treatment principle primarily focuses on symptomatic treatment, including taking antiviral drugs, cooling and detoxifying Chinese herbal medicine, as well as vitamins B and C. If complications arise, consider administering intravenous immunoglobulin. During the illness, it is important to enhance the child’s care, particularly oral hygiene. Rinse the mouth with saline solution or warm water before and after meals. Foods should be chosen that are non-irritating, such as fluids or semi-fluids. It is recommended to follow the doctor’s instructions for treatment and care.