
My baby is a premature infant, seven months old, and was placed in an incubator right after birth. From the first to the fifth day, everything was fine. However, starting from the sixth day, the baby received blue light therapy. During late-night feedings, a nurse fed the baby through a gastrostomy tube, and someone called out to the nurse just as she began. Regarding this issue, can an expert provide an explanation?


Blue light therapy does not cause intracranial hemorrhage, but subgaleal hemorrhage under the temporal lobe may affect future intellectual development. Premature infants are more prone to intracranial hemorrhage, which is not related to doctors or nurses, nor is it caused by excessively high temperatures of the blue light therapy. It is also not due to the nurse’s feeding causing choking or suffocation. I hope these suggestions are helpful to you. Wishing you good health!