A four-month-old baby is experiencing watery green stools. After several days of probiotic treatment, the stool color changes to yellow but remains watery. What could be the possible reasons for this situation?
Based on the description, the change in the baby’s stool consistency may be due to dyspepsia-induced diarrhea. Green stools are often associated with food passing through the intestines too quickly, resulting in bile not having enough time to turn yellow. The change in stool color to yellow after probiotic treatment indicates an improvement in intestinal flora, but the persistent watery stools may suggest that the dyspepsia issue has not been completely resolved. It is recommended to continue probiotic treatment and consider complementing it with Chinese herbal remedies that aid in spleen health and digestion, such as Jianpi Powder or Xingpi Yang’er Oral Liquid, to promote the recovery of the digestive system. Additionally, attention should be paid to the baby’s diet and fluid intake, avoiding excessive dehydration, and closely monitoring changes in stool consistency. Professional medical assistance should be sought if necessary.