
What are the effective treatment methods for Down syndrome, especially for pediatric patients? Can traditional Chinese medicine’s five elements and four dimensions therapy be used to avoid additional harm to the child?


Down syndrome, also known as trisomy 21 or congenital Down syndrome, is a common congenital defect caused by chromosomal abnormalities. Currently, there is no definitive cure for this condition, with the focus of treatment being on long-term education and training. Preventing infections and various infectious diseases, and administering oral supplements of vitamin B6, r-tyrosine, folic acid, etc., at an early stage may help improve function. Additionally, surgical correction can be considered for other malformations associated with Down syndrome. As for traditional Chinese medicine’s five elements and four dimensions therapy, although it may be beneficial for some patients, it should be used cautiously under the guidance of a professional physician to ensure the safety and effectiveness of treatment.