
What are the causes of cerebral palsy in children? Could it be related to medication taken by pregnant women during pregnancy?


The causes of cerebral palsy in children typically include hypoxia during labor or congenital malformations, which may lead to brain damage in infants. As for medication taken by pregnant women during pregnancy, it can indeed have an impact on the fetus, but it requires a specific analysis of the type and use of the medication. Common symptoms of cerebral palsy include: having the toes pointing down when held; not smiling, lifting the head, or clenching fingers by 2-3 months old; not rolling over by 4-5 months old, and not sitting by 8 months old; difficulty with breastfeeding and weak suckling; overall weakness, soft or stiff limbs; inability to close the mouth, faint or piercing cries. These symptoms may be associated with cerebral palsy, and it is recommended that…