
My daughter is 4 years old. This week, she has been constantly tugging at her ear and complaining of itching. Additionally, the earwax is a bit thick and yellowish. She also seems to have little appetite and is quite weak. How should I treat her otitis media with drainage?


Antibiotic medications are commonly used in the treatment of otitis media and can be chosen appropriately. You can have a bacterial culture of the ear secretion to use anti-inflammatory ear drops based on the results of the examination. If the symptoms of ear pain and yellowish discharge are severe, it is recommended to use some painkillers to alleviate the symptoms. If the child also has a particularly severe fever, then some antipyretic medication should be used in moderation. If the condition is severe, it is necessary to seek medical attention as soon as possible. Otitis media has a characteristic of recurrence, and if there is a perforation of the eardrum, it is necessary to seek medical treatment promptly. At the same time, also pay attention to arranging a reasonable diet and lifestyle for the child to help the disease recover as soon as possible.