
A pregnant woman of over one month has developed severe symptoms, including frequent vomiting and psychological discomfort. What methods can be used to alleviate these symptoms without affecting the fetus?


Severe nausea during the early stages of pregnancy can be mitigated through the following dietary adjustments:

  1. Persimmon Peel Decoction: Boil the persimmon peel and drink the water, using this method for several days consecutively.
  2. Fresh Ginger and Brown Sugar Water: Slice fresh ginger and add brown sugar, then boil and drink.
  3. Milk with Chive: Boil milk and add a small amount of chive. Pregnant women can choose one of these methods based on personal preference. Additionally, it is recommended to consume carbohydrate-rich foods such as flour, corn, millet, sweet potatoes, and potatoes, which can help alleviate ‘morning sickness’. Cold foods have less smell and can be eaten in moderation to avoid vomiting. It is suggested to take small, frequent meals rather than sticking to fixed meal times, and to reduce soup intake.