
A colleague’s child has been diagnosed with cerebral palsy since half a year old. Over the years, various treatments have been undergone, consuming a significant amount of money and energy, but there has been no obvious improvement in the condition. Since they live in the south, their family diet tends to be spicy, and they would like to know whether children with cerebral palsy are suitable for eating spicy foods, and what dietary precautions should be noted?


The formation of cerebral palsy may be related to high-risk factors before, during, or after birth, such as prenatal infections, rubella, severe pregnancy-induced hypertension, asphyxia at birth, premature birth, severe jaundice, or intracranial hemorrhage after birth. In terms of diet, foods rich in protein such as milk, soy milk, eggs, yogurt, and meats are beneficial for children with cerebral palsy. Additionally, foods like animal liver and egg yolks are also worth considering. However, there are no clear guidelines regarding the intake of spicy foods at present, and it is recommended to choose carefully based on individual circumstances.