
What are the methods for early identification of cerebral palsy in children?


Methods for early identification of cerebral palsy include observing the child’s developmental status and behavioral performance. Common signs include delayed hair growth, and skills such as lifting, sitting, and using both hands being acquired later than peers; possibly using multiple body parts to compensate for missing functions, such as using one hand instead of two; poor eating and swallowing difficulties, such as the tongue frequently pushing out milk and food, making it hard to close the mouth; and possibly exhibiting abnormal behaviors, such as crying, irritability, poor sleep, or excessive quietness and oversleeping. If your child shows these signs, please seek medical attention for further evaluation and diagnosis.


Early identification of cerebral palsy is important because early intervention and treatment can improve the quality of life for affected children. It is recommended that you consult a professional neurologist as soon as possible, who will develop an individualized treatment plan based on your child’s specific situation. Treatment methods may include physical therapy, speech therapy, medication therapy, etc., depending on the child’s symptoms and needs. At the same time, family support and social support are also very important. Collaborating with professional teams can help children overcome difficulties and improve their quality of life.