
My child is one year old and has tonsillitis with inflammation and swelling. What dietary precautions should I take?


Tonsillitis is a common illness that requires timely treatment. During the treatment process, the child’s diet should include vegetables and fruits, as many fruits have the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, and are rich in vitamins, which help to boost the immune system. For example, pears have the effects of reducing fever, soothing the throat, resolving phlegm, and relieving pain, which can alleviate throat discomfort caused by acute tonsillitis. Additionally, it is recommended to choose easily digestible foods such as congee and noodles. Also, avoid giving the child trigger foods like beef, mutton, dog meat, and seafood, as these foods may worsen symptoms. It is also important to help correct the child’s bad habits of picky eating and anorexia to ensure they receive balanced nutrition and absorb it comprehensively.