
A two-year-old child walks unsteadily and has unclear language expression compared to same age peers. A hospital examination suggests a suspicion of cerebral palsy. What are the typical obvious symptoms of cerebral palsy children?


The symptoms of cerebral palsy children may include:

  1. Presence of high-risk factors for cerebral palsy before, during, or after birth, such as prenatal infections, rubella, severe pregnancy-induced hypertension, birth asphyxia, preterm birth, severe jaundice, or intracranial hemorrhage after birth.
  2. Difficulty in breastfeeding after birth, such as weak suckling, weak crying, frequent crying, or being easily startled.
  3. Excessive quietness and less active movement.
  4. Delayed motor development, such as a 3 to 4-month-old baby unable to stabilize the head while lying on the stomach, or not being able to support weight with the forearms by 4 months old.