What are the causes of neonatal cerebral palsy?
The causes of neonatal cerebral palsy can be divided into several aspects:
- Family History Factors: If there has been a history of cerebral palsy, intellectual disability, or congenital malformation in the family, the child’s risk of developing cerebral palsy increases.
- Postnatal Potential Factors: These include neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, intracranial hemorrhage in newborns, persistent jaundice, neonatal central nervous system infection, and others.
- Perinatal Potential Factors: These include premature birth, low birth weight, breech presentation, instrumental delivery, cesarean section, various difficult deliveries, asphyxia at birth, twins, umbilical cord around the neck, placenta previa, placental abruption, and poor placental function. These are the potential causes of neonatal cerebral palsy. Further analysis and diagnosis are needed based on specific situations.