
My son is 1 year old. His ears have been a bit painful recently, and the earwax is a bit thick and yellow. He also has headaches and fever. How should we treat yellow earwax in children with otitis media?


The current clinical treatment methods for pediatric otitis media include antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs, which parents can choose for symptomatic treatment. In addition to systemic medication, regional treatment can also be carried out using anti-inflammatory ear drops. If the child’s ear pain and yellow discharge symptoms are severe, some painkillers may be used to relieve symptoms. If there is a high fever, a moderate amount of antipyretic medication can be used. If symptoms are severe, medical attention should be sought promptly. In case of severe conditions such as perforation of the eardrum, timely medical treatment and surgery should be sought. During the treatment period, attention should be paid to maintaining good hygiene in diet and adequate rest.